Swedish Midsummer – fertility

Swedish Midsummer has many connections to fertility. Historically, it celebrated the growing season when crops, fruits and berries start to ripen, and Mother Earth graces us with her plenty.

Human fertility is also in focus, quite literally. The decoration and erection of a large phallic maypole, complete with testicles, is central to the Midsummer festivities. Once erected, people dance around said pole. This is an ancient fertility rite. One of the dances includes people imitating frogs – a tradition dating back to the French Revolution. It is thought that this particular dance was created to mock the French. Another old symbol of fertility and rebirth is the wearing of a wreath of flowers in your hair – a common practice at Midsummer.

Related to fertility, is the association of love to the festivities of Midsummer. In fact many Swedish babies are made around this weekend.

A more romantic example is the gathering of 7 types of summer flower to place under your pillow at night. It is said if you do this, in silence, then your future husband will appear to you in your dreams.

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