Swedish Summer Talks

Every summer in Sweden, there is a wonderful tradition. This tradition began in 1959.

Every day for 6 weeks or so, at 1pm, there is a summer talk on Swedish radio channel 1. This might sound mundane, but it is, in fact, an integral part of the Swedish summer.

Each day, a different person is responsible for the talk. This person shares their life stories, perspectives, life lessons, experiences and sometimes their tragedies. They play music of their choice. It is 90 minutes of pure relaxation, with a big dash of voyeurism. Most of the talkers are Swedish. Some of them celebrities, some are politicians, or authors or activists, or influencers, or actors, or musicians, or philosophers or soldiers or priests or astronauts or even ordinary people.

The talks are in Swedish, although the speakers can originate from outside of Sweden. It is considered an honour to be asked to hold a talk. I would love to do one. I’d share my life story and my perspectives on Swedish culture from my outside perspective. Oh and I’d play music by Kate Bush and The Smiths! What a self indulgent treat!

This year we will hear talks from, amongst others, former Prime Minister Carl Bildt, cross-country skier Ebba Andersson and film director Suzanne Osten.

Yesterday’s was one of the best I’ve ever heard. Swedish singer-songwriter Ellen Krauss shared her coming-out story, and her perspective on love, gender identity and sexual expression.

If you fancy listening, you can stream it on http://www.sr.se and look for ‘Sommarpratare’

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